Petr Kirusha, Untitled, 2016, Acrylic on canvas, 60x100cm, Courtesy of the Artist and Galerie Iragui
Established in 2008 in Moscow, Galerie Iragui is committed to bringing attention to contemporary Russian art. The gallery contributes to the participation of Russian artists in international projects and their integration into the global art context. Attaching much importance to research, Galerie Iragui works in collaboration with cultural institutions and curators in many countries and presents an ambitious program dedicated to fostering critical dialogues between artists, viewers, and institutions.
Petr Kirusha
Nikita Alexeev
Sergey Anufriev
Maria Arendt
Kostya Belyaev
Olga Bozhko
Georgy Kiesewalter
Elena Kovylina
Daria Krotova
Georgy Litichevsky
Arkadiy Nasonov
Valeria Nibiru
Pavel Pepperstein
Viktor Pivovarov
Alexey Tregubov
Ekatherina Iragui, Director
Eléonore Senlis-Lafeuille, Director
Malaya Polyanka
Moscow, Russian Federation
T: +7 495 978 32 13
T: +7 903 562 72 41