Wolfram Ullrich, ORBITA ROJA, 2016, Acrylic on steel, 44x81x8.5cm and 35×59.5×8.5cm, Courtesy of the Artist and Galerie Michael Sturm
Galerie Michael Sturm was founded in April 1996 to promote contemporary approaches to non-representational art. Within this field, the gallery’s main focus is on new European, North-American and recently Latin-American tendencies in painting, sculpture and installation work based on the traditions of constructivist, minimal and concrete art. Besides geometric abstraction and restatement by young post-minimalist and conceptual artists, the gallery features experimental photography and a substantial range of what one might call “organic” abstraction as opposed to geometric. The gallery’s particular passion is painting and colour of all sorts.
Thomas Müller
Henk Stallinga
Wolfram Ullrich
Frank Badur
Andrea Bender
Dave Bopp
Sven Braun
Fernando García Correa
Antje Dorn
Herbert Egl
FFM Filderbahnfreundemöhringen
Mikael Fagerlund
Gianfranco Foschino
Dieter Hacker
Marcia Hafif
Lieven Hendriks
Vanessa Henn
Carolin Jörg
Károly Keserü
Astrid Köppe
Russell Maltz
Kevin Simón Mancera
Gabriela Oberkofler
Danica Phelps
Rebecca Salter
Dorothea Schulz
Jo Schöpfer
Daniel Sigloch
Brigitte Stahl
Mary A. Waters
Anita Stöhr Weber
Christian Wulffen
Beat Zoderer
Michael Sturm, Director
Christophstr. 6
Stuttgart, Germany
T: +49 711 615 95 68