Anwar Saeed, All Is Fair In Love And War II, 2025, Painting, 45.7 x 61 cm
Courtesy: Grosvenor Gallery
Grosvenor Gallery is based in St James’s, London. Since 2000, the current Directors and owners Conor Macklin and Charles Moore have focused on Indian and Pakistani Modernists, primarily Francis Newton Souza, whose estate is represented by the gallery, as well as Maqbool Fida Husain, Sayed Haider Raza, Syed Sadequain and Abdur Rahman Chughtai. They also exhibit living artist Krishen Khanna.
The gallery run a contemporary programme, exhibiting young artists from South Asia, as well as more established artists, such as Rasheed Argeen. They work closely with all the major collectors of the region, as well as the curators and museums with an interest in this area. 2020 marked 60 years of trading for the gallery, and 20 years of focus on Modern and Contemporary South Asian Art.
Anwar Saeed, born in 1955, Pakistan
Faiza Butt, born in 1973, Pakistan
Francis Newton Souza
Sayed Haider Raza
Maqbool Fida Husain
Syed Sadeqauin
Rasheed Araeen
Olivia Fraser
Dhruva Mistry
Senaka Senanayake
Krishen Khanna
Faiza Butt
Lancelot Ribeiro
Zarah Hussain
Imran Mir
Anwar Saeed
Conor Macklin, Director
Charles Moore, Director
Kajoli Khanna, Director
London, UK
35 Bury Street