MORROW collective, {R(Evolutionaries);}, 2024, Voxels Metaverse Exhibition
Courtesy: MORROW collective
MORROW collective is an NFT fine art curatorship supporting galleries, artists, collectors and museums into the NFT space. MORROW exists to bridge the traditional and crypto art worlds and foster mutually innovative growth.
MORROW’s unwavering focus remains on substance and narrative, displayed across virtual, real world and hybrid exhibitions. With a multi-faceted approach, MORROW prioritizes the creative process to present digitally immersive experiences.
MORROW collective are owners of multiple gallery spaces across the most sought after and exclusive Metaverse platforms and are collectors with an extensive portfolio including some of the world’s leading crypto artists.
Anna Beller, Germany
Bryan Brinkman, USA
Gary Cartlidge, UK
Coldie, USA
Marguerite deCourcelle, born in 1987, USA
Primavera De Filippi, France
Distributed Gallery x Laurent la Torpille
Lex Doom
Guillaume Ducos, France
Grayson Earle, USA
Moxarra Gonzalez, Mexico
Theo Goodman, USA
Ira Greenberg
halluciphile, USA
Dev Harlan
Bard Ionson
J’erre, Argentina
Ilan Katin
Wednesday Kim, South Korea
Danielle King
Nili Lerner, born in 1970, Israel
MandelDuck, UK
Jenn and Kevin McCoy, born in 1967, USA
Sarah Meyohas, born in 1991, USA
Haroon Mirza, UK
Jonathan Monaghan, born in 1986, USA
MrHansel, UK
Rhea Myers, born in 1973, UK
David Henry Nobody Jr
Osinachi, Nigeria
Max Osiris, USA
Martin Lukas Ostachowski, Poland
Beatriz Helena Ramos, Venezuela
Kenny Schachter, USA
Rare Scrilla, USA
untitled, xyz, USA
Norma Xelda Jara, Argentina