Kirill Chelushkin, Earth, 2015, Foam plastic, coloured primer, 99.5x199x9.5cm, Courtesy of the Artist and NK Gallery
NK Gallery, founded in Antwerp in 2012, works closely with established Belgian, Russian and international artists, whose works are distinguished by international public institutions, public and private collections. The gallery hosts 6 exhibitions a year which encompasses painting,drawing, sculptures, video, and installations. Nk’s mission is to stimulate intercultural dialogue and interconnect Russian artists with the global audience and collectors. NK represents and supports emerging and mid-career artists through participation in international art fairs.
Kirill Chelushkin
Stief Desmet
Taisia Korotkova
Oleg Matrokhin
Didier Mahieu
Alexander Pogorzhelsky
Ivan Razumov
Hans Vandekerckhove
Nadya Kotova-Maesen, Director
Museumstraat 35
Antwerpen, Belgium
T: +3232379822